Monday, November 17, 2008

smpx 21: the jimmy's egg experience

So we kind of broke the rules again this week and went out for Sunday morning breakfast. We did, however, order the buttermilk pancakes at Jimmy's Egg. And to make them SMPX-worthy, we opted out of the usual strawberry, blueberry, or apple toppings and instead loaded them up with cottage cheese.

Not bad! But we've made cheese pancakes (like lemon ricotta) that were better.

Next week we'll be on the road so look for SMPX 22: campfire pancakes.

1 comment:

Eva said...

It sort of looks like the pancake is trying to escape the evil clutches of the omelet. I do miss jimmy's Egg though. They don't have them in Tennessee. We have The Loveless Cafe, so I can't complain too much though.